SC15 - Summary
06 Dec 2010



Code summary





  • Falling objects
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Dust

Roles affected

  • All staff
  • Contract supervising officers


Contractors undertake much work on behalf of the STFC from specialist equipment engineers through gardeners and catering staff to builders. This code applies to anyone responsible for such staff – Contract Supervising Officers (CSOs). The STFC, and CSOs, have specific safety responsibilities to the contractors that work for us – most important being that we give them all the information they need to undertake their work safely on our sites.

The code outlines how these responsibilities can be exercised by CSOs - reviewing the documented risk assessments contractors undertake for the work they are planning and that their work Method Statements include the controls identified in the risk assessment and the hazards that we know about. Once work commences the CSOs should monitor the progress of work to ensure that contractors following the agreed method statement and that their safety behaviour is acceptable. Documented risk assessments and method statements are not required for all activities but are increasingly the standard approach to managing contractor safety.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)