SC41 - Summary
08 Dec 2011



Code Summary



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  • Pollution of controlled water courses
  • Land pollution
  • Site Emergencies 

Roles Affected

  • All staff, tenants and contractors
  • Directors
  • Estates teams 


This code establishes procedures to ensure discharges to air, land or water comply with Environmental Permitting and other regulations.

STFC sites require authorisation to carry out certain operations which may have detrimental effects on the environment. These include: discharging hazardous substances to air; storing, treating, disposing or transporting of other peoples wastes (including that of its tenants); discharging trade waste to public sewers; and nuisance activities for instance: noise; odour; or visual ‘pollution’, including light pollution.

This code encourages the minimisation of liquid or gaseous discharges by explicitly asking that environmental issues are included in the standard risk assessment process identifying controls to reduce hazardous discharges as far as reasonably practicable.

The code establishes the assumption that all liquids stored out side of buildings must be stored in bunded areas unless risk assessment determines otherwise. Oil in quantities greater than 200L must be doubly bunded in all circumstances.

Where discharge of hazardous materials to air or drain is necessary the STFC Environment Officer/SHE Group should be consulted in advance to see if regulatory authorisation is required.

NEVER discharge hazardous waste to surface water drains.

All use of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gasses, for example HFCs, PFCs, SF6, should be listed in site F-Gas registers managed by Estates teams.

All Environmental incidents should be reported through Evotix Assure.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)