SC36 - Appendix 1
06 Dec 2010



Contents of First Aid bags, boxes, treatment rooms and STFC vehicles used to transport injured persons.


Supplies of First Aid consumables to replace those used will be made available through Occupational Health teams.

First Aid Bags (as carried by First Aiders) and Boxes should as a minimum contain the following items as appropriate within their expiry dates:

​Wall mounted medium first aid box contents
​​First aider’s grab bag contents or small first aid kit on SHE noticeboard​
​Contents list
First Aid Guidance leaflet
Large individually wrapped sterile wound dressing 3
Medium individually wrapped sterile wound dressing 4
Individually wrapped triangular bandages 3
Conforming bandage
Sterile finger dressing

Sterile eye-pad dressing

Individually wrapped sterile plasters/dressings (assorted sizes)
Pairs of disposable gloves
Microporus tape
Tuf cut scissors
1 ​1
Sterile cleansing wipes
​Burn dressing
​Cold treatment pack
​Resuscitation device (Face Mask/Revive aid)
​Foil emergency blanket
​Disposable self-seal clinical waste bag (Note: all clinical waste should be disposed of through recognised and approved routes, in general via Occupational Health teams)


​​Optional (Only where there is no running water present or required by local risk assessment) Sterile normal saline (0.9%) in a sealed, disposable container (optional where)

STFC owned vehicles used solely to transport people shall contain a First Aid box. Travel kits are available at Security for staff who hire vehicles and these contain a small first aid kit.

First Aid Treatment Rooms shall contain the following items:

  • A sink with hot and cold water;
  • Soap and paper towels;
  • First Aid Box (see above);
  • A suitable couch, blanket and pillow with disposable paper cover;
  • Disposable instant cold treatment packs;
  • Separate foot operated disposal containers for domestic and clinical wastes;
  • A telephone or other communication equipment; and
  • First Aid Treatment Record pro formas and pen to record incidents where First Aid has been administered

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)