SC31 - Appendix 4
06 Dec 2010



Completing Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes


​STFC Site Hazardous Waste Codes

Hazardous Waste Code
Daresbury Laboratory​
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Chilbolton Observatory

Before the consignment is removed from site, the HWCN (Parts A to E) must be completed. The form is completed in triplicate, with copies going to the following:

  • The Waste Producer/Holder/Consignor - (usually the Waste Disposal Officer gives it to the Waste Contractor on behalf of STFC).
  • The Waste carrier – usually the Waste Disposal Contractor.
  • The Waste Consignee (organisation that receives the waste e.g. the waste tip).

The form is in 5 Parts (A to E), which can be summarised as:

  1. Notification details (consignment number, addresses of premises from where the waste is being taken, and where it is going).
  2. Description of Waste (including EWC & Hazard Codes, ADR Information)
  3. Carrier's Certificate (including Carrier & vehicle registration numbers)
  4. Consignor's Certificate (certifying information is correct)
  5. Consignee's Certificate (list of waste received, address​, vehicle details etc.)

The STFC Waste Disposal Officer (on behalf of the STFC):

  • Is responsible for ensuring that Parts A and B of each copy are completed correctly. The carrier (Waste Disposal Contractor) has all three copies. Parts A & B must be completed prior to collection of the waste.
  • Ensures that Part C is completed by the Carrier and completes Part D themselves, at the time of collection and before the waste is removed from the premises.
  • Retain the Producer's/Holder's/Consignor's copy and file it for a minimum of 3    years.

They shall give the two remaining copies to the Carrier.

The Carrier:

  • Shall ensure that both copies travel with the waste consignment
  • Shall give both copies to the Consignee on delivery of the consignment to the address stated in Part A.
  • Shall retain the Carrier's copy after completion by the Consignee.

Note: although not required in statute, it is common practice for the Carrier to give a copy of the completed Part E to the Consignor (i.e. STFC Waste Disposal Officer). It could be considered as part of the Waste Disposal Officer's Duty of Care to request sight of the completed Part E.

The Consignee:

  • Shall complete Part E on both copies of the HWCN.
  • Shall give the Carrier's copy to the Carrier.

Normally the carrier will complete the "Hazardous Waste Consignment Note" and transfer the wastes from the site so that STFC will only have to sign and make sure that the paperwork is correct. All hazardous waste consignment notes must be retained for 3 years.

The consignee must provide a return to STFC to confirm that the waste has reached its final destination. This will either be the 'consignee return note' or a copy of the quarterly return (which has to be produced by the waste manager for the EA).

Activities involving hazardous waste are far more tightly regulated than those involving inert or non-hazardous waste. There are many provisions specific to hazardous wastes, governing the classification, storage, handling, transport, treatment and disposal. See the SHE Environment Officer if you experience any difficulty.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)