SC20 - Audit checklist
06 Dec 2010



Appendix 7



Ref Sections Item​RatingComments
1 4.1.1Have Group leaders ensured that all explosive atmosphere hazards within their area of responsibility been subjected to risk assessments?  
2 4.2.1Have DSEAR risk assessments and Hazardous area classification been conducted for all activities in the area involving the use of dangerous substances that have the potential to harm people, or are such assessments incorporated into the generic risk assessments for the areas?  
3  Are the DSEAR risk assessments documented in the SHE Assure?
4 4.1.4Have actions arising from DSEAR assessments been completed to plan?  
5 App 7

a) Have all supervisors/managers/Group leaders been trained in this DSEAR code, risk assessment and the STFC Risk Assessment database?

b)Has refresher training been undertaken?

6  Have all DSEAR risk assessments been reviewed at least on a 2 yearly basis?  

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)