SC17 - Summary
06 Dec 2010



Code summary





  • Contact with electicity from faulty tools and equipment

Roles affected

  • All staff


​This code is relevant to all STFC staff as it relates to the electrical hazards, electric shocks, that can arise from using poorly maintained mains powered electrical equipment. The STFC has over 60,000 items of portable electrical equipment for which the code defines the process by which portable electrical equipment is tested and marked with a test date by trained staff. Previously referred to as Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) electrical equipment should only be used if is has valid test date label. Perhaps most important however –always visually inspect electrical equipment prior to using it – "if it doesn't look right it probably isn't". PAT is divided into Schedule B – typically IT equipment tested 4 yearly, and Schedule A equipment most other electrical equipment tested annually.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)