SC08 - Summary
06 Dec 2010



Code summary





  • Driving long distances
  • Travel to high altitude

Roles affected

  • STFC professional drivers
  • Staff visiting JAC or ING


This code is important for managers of staff and staff travelling as part of their work. Travelling, especially driving, is in general the most hazardous activity that staff undertake while working for the STFC. The code requires that consideration is given to undertaking a documented risk assessment for 'unusual' journeys/trips that do not fall within the following examples where template risk assessments exist:

Driving in the UK, Conventional Western Europe (CWE) and North America

Overseas travel to outside of CWE and North America 

Specific requirements highlighted include: need for defensive driver training if you drive >3000miles/year on business; banning the use of hands free mobile phones when driving; need for high altitude medicals when visiting sites above 10,000'; and the need to have a breaks every 2.5hours when driving and avoiding driving at the end of long working days (12hours);

It does not apply to travel from your home to normal place of work.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)