SC04 - Summary
07 Jan 2013



Code Summary





  • Physical injury through failure of Work Equipment 
  • Loss of time and money through failure

Roles Affected

  • Staff, Visitors, tenants, and those responsible for contractors who may specify, design, manufacture, build, install, use or maintain any item of equipment that is used at work.


  • General guidance on the training for all Work Equipment Users
  • Specific Training requirements for users of specified pieces of work equipment: PPE; Ladders; LEV; Hand Tools; Scaffolding; Abrasive Wheels; Machinery; FLTs and MEWPs.

The work of the STFC involves the specification, design, manufacture, build, installation, use and maintenance of a wide variety of work equipment. Work equipment covers almost any powered (by any means including human) or mechanised item that is used at work – anything that in use presents a physical hazard.

  • Includes hand tools, workshop type equipment, access equipment and lifting equipment
  • Does not include chemicals, cars, vans, or electrical equipment that does not physically do something.

The code requires that managers ensure:

  • Any Work Equipment is fit for purpose and used for activities and under conditions for which it is suitable.
  • The use of Work Equipment is risk assessed as part of an activity’s risk assessment.
  • Work Equipment meets the relevant Legislative requirements for it (Usually shown by “CE” marking). Work Equipment made in house for STFC use needs to meet the relevant legislative requirements but does not need “CE” marking.
  • Work Equipment needs to be checked on a regular basis, maintained in good working order, and for higher risk equipment maintenance schedules and procedures should be documented.
  • Work Equipment should be examined, inspected and tested with a frequency dependent on the equipment and the conditions it is used under.
  • All persons using Work Equipment are trained and experienced in its use.

The code requires that users ensure:

  • They are familiar with the equipment and associated risk controls detailed in the risk assessment.
  • Wear PPE as defined in the risk assessment, and store it appropriately when not wearing it.
  • Undertake basic pre-use inspections of Work Equipment.

The code does not establish any new roles.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)