SC36 - Appendix 3
06 Dec 2010



Guidance for accompanying persons to hospital




​​The following provides guidance on what to do should a casualty require or seek Hospital treatment as a result of an injury or sudden bout of illness occurring while on the STFC site.

Each instance should be judged individually and dependent on the circumstances.

No member of staff other than a First Aider or Occupational Health should in general recommend that a casualty should go to hospital unless the situation appears life threatening and an Ambulance is required urgently, for example loss of consciousness or severe loss of blood.

Should an injury/incident not be serious enough to require an Ambulance but requires medical assessment, then the journey to a local Hospital or their General Practice Health Centre should be made by car. Where STFC vehicles exist and an STFC driver is available these should be used in preference to using a taxi. STFC staff cars should not be used.

A First Aider should accompany the casualty in the vehicle. Upon arrival at the hospital or Health Centre the accompanying First Aider should stay with the casualty until informed by hospital staff that they can leave.

Organisation of transport to return the First Aider and as appropriate the casualty to the workplace, or as appropriate home, is the responsibility of the injured person's line management.

Individuals with actual or suspected head or spine injuries, or any medical condition that could deteriorate during transport, should not be transported to hospital by car and an ambulance called.

When a casualty is requested to attend Hospital or their Health Centre their colleagues and HR should be informed of these arrangements by the attending First Aider or injured persons line management. As appropriate the injured person's next of kin should be informed by HR.

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)