SC13 - Appendix 10
06 Dec 2010



Document retention requirements


This is for health and safety purposes only. Some information may have importance for commercial consideration and may need to be retained e.g. guarantee information, performance information, etc.

​Records established
Minimum retention period​Responsible record keeper​
Location of records​
Appointment of Client​​​​​​​

Duration of the contract and its successful conclusion
STFC local records systems​​​​
​ ​
​ ​
​Contract tender documentation
​Appointed Client

​Pre-contract information

​Pre-construction information
​Principal Designer/Principal Contractor
​Letters of appointment for Principal Designer and Principal Contractor
​Appointed Client
​Display on CDM site
​Construction Phase Plan
​Principal Contractor
​CDM site records
​Competency Criteria
​STFC local recor systems
​Health and Safety File
​Life of asset or until modified
​local recor systems

Contact: Baker, Gareth (STFC,DL,COO)